
My journey to this point has been a lifelong quest to find my voice, and it's a journey that has shaped my passion for empowering women, especially those who have reached the age of 50 and beyond. I firmly believe that every woman, regardless of her age, race, religion, socio-economic status, or background, deserves to feel powerful, seen, and heard.

Sadly, as women age, society often attempts to render them invisible, as if their worth diminishes with each passing year. But I'm here to tell you that this couldn't be further from the truth. To every woman reading this, I want you to know that you are not invisible. You are powerful, you are important, and you deserve to be seen and heard.

My mission is clear: I am committed to female empowerment, especially for those who have entered the wonderful age of 50 and beyond. Together, let's break down the barriers that society places on us and support each other in realizing our full potential.

Through my podcast, 'You Are Not Invisible After 50,' I bring together remarkable individuals and stories that celebrate the strength, wisdom, and achievements of women over 50. I firmly believe that by sharing our experiences, challenges, and triumphs, we can inspire and uplift one another to reach new heights.

So, join me on this empowering journey. Let's stand together, break the stereotypes, and pave the way for a world where every woman, regardless of her age can shine brightly and live up to her full potential. 

Remember, you are not invisible – you are a force to be reckoned with. Together, we can make sure the world sees that truth.



As I've journeyed through life, I've come to realise that our core values are like our DNA. They define who we are, shape our decisions, and guide our actions. 

After turning 50, I've had the privilege of reflecting on my life experiences making decisions and taking action based on the values that are an integral part of who I am. These values are my DNA and who I am today, and they continue to be the pillars that support my journey.

  • Honesty is the bedrock of any meaningful relationship, whether with oneself or with others. It's the willingness to confront the truth, even when it's uncomfortable. After reaching the age of 50, I've come to appreciate the power of honesty in its purest form. It's about being honest with my aspirations, dreams, and limitations. It's about acknowledging my mistakes and learning from them. And, most importantly, it's about being honest with the people who matter in my life in any guise. Honesty builds trust, and trust is the foundation of all lasting connections.

  • Integrity is the alignment of one's actions with their principles. It's about doing what is right, even when no one is watching. Over the years, I've learned that integrity is not negotiable. It's the compass that guides me through the complexities of life. As I've grown older, I've come to understand that integrity is not just a matter of doing the right thing; it's a matter of being the right person. It's about staying true to my values, even when faced with adversity or temptation. It's the assurance that I can look at myself in the mirror and be proud of the person I see.

  • Transparency is the act of being open, honest, and candid in all my interactions. After crossing the threshold of 50, I've come to value transparency more than ever. It's about communicating openly with others and sharing my thoughts, feelings, and intentions. It's the recognition that secrets and hidden agendas can erode trust and create unnecessary complications. Transparency is not just about what I say, it's also about what I do. It's about aligning my actions with my words and being consistent in my behaviour. In a world where authenticity can be scarce, transparency is a beacon of light.

  • Authenticity is the practice of being true to oneself. As I've matured, I've realised that the most fulfilling way to live is by embracing my true self. Authenticity means not pretending to be someone I'm not, not conforming to others' expectations, and not chasing someone else's definition of success. It's about honouring my values, passions, and unique qualities. Authenticity is liberating; it allows me to live with purpose and passion. It's a reminder that I am not invisible after 50; I am still evolving, growing, and becoming the most authentic version of myself.

These four core values—honesty, integrity, transparency, and authenticity—are not just words to me. they are the essence of who I am.

They have become my guiding principles as I navigate the later stages of life, and they continue to shape my journey. They remind me that age is not a limitation but an opportunity to embrace and embody these values more fully. 

In doing so, I hope to leave a legacy of truth, trust, openness, and authenticity for the generations that follow.